Ananda Coomaraswamy Memorial Conference on Asian Art and Culture
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
8th -10th September 2012

An international conference to mark the 135th birth anniversary and 65th death anniversary of Ananda Coomaraswamy will be held on 8th-10th September 2012 at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. The conference is being organized by the Centre for Asian Studies and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Kelaniya with the collaboration of several other National and International Institutes. It will be inclusive of a two day academic session and a buy viagra professional online day tour.
To be considered for presenting at the conference, we would like to invite academics to submit their abstracts of research papers on the following themes before the 15th of June 2012. The abstracts should be in English and about 300-500 words in twelve point, Times New Roman. It should include the title of the paper, name of the author, institution affiliation, e-mail id, text and a few keywords. A short bio- data of the author or authors, not exceeding one typed page should be sent along with
the abstract. The acceptance of the abstracts will be notified by 30th June 2012. The abstracts should be sent to, the official e-mail address of the conference secretariat on or before the closing date. Any other details could be obtained via the same mail address.
1. Coomaraswamy: his life and work
2. Art History: Paintings, Sculpture and Minor Art
3. Ancient Architecture
4. Traditional Crafts: Metallurgy,
Carpentry, Pottery etc.
5. Pre-Modern Society
6. Buddhism and Hinduism
7. Social Philosophy
All conference participants should be registered by paying the fee prescribed below. The registration fee can be paid at the conference secretariat on or before the 8th of September, before attending the conference.
We regret to inform you that we are unable to assist you with your travel expenses. However, we are able to provide accommodation with limited facilities for those who are unable to make their own arrangements.
Registration fee:
(The registration fee includes the conference kit and meals during conference days.)
Foreign Delegates (Non South Asian) – 50 $
Foreign Delegates (South Asians) – 30 $
Foreign Delegates (Students) – 20 $
Sri Lankan Delegates – 1500 SL Rupees
Sri Lankan Students – 500 SL Rupees.
Professor Anura Manatunga
Centre for Asian Studies
University of Kelaniya
Sri Lanka