Publications edited by Prof. Senarat Paranavitana
- Epigraphia Zeylanica: being lithic and other inscriptions of Ceylon. Vol.3, 1928-1933, edited by S. Paranavitana, London, published for the Govt. of Ceylon by Humphrey Milford, Oxford Univ. Press, 1933, xvi, 358p., 38 pls.
- Epigraphia Zeylanica: being lithic and other inscriptions of Ceylon. Vol.4, 1934-1941, edited by S. Paranavitana, London, published for the Govt. of Ceylon by Humphrey Milford, Oxford Univ. Press, 1943, viii, [4], 328p., 28 pls.
- Epigraphia Zeylanica: being lithic and other inscriptions of Ceylon. Vol.5, pt. 1, edited by S. Paranavitana, Colombo, printed at the Govt. Press, 1955. 176p., 7 pls.
- Epigraphia Zeylanica: being lithic and other inscriptions of Ceylon. Vol.5, pt. 2, edited by S. Paranavitana and C.E. Godakumbura, Colombo, Archaeological Department of Ceylon, 1963, pp. 177-314, pls. 8-37.
- Sir Paul E. Pieris Felicitation Volume. presented by his friends and admirers, ed. by S. Paranavitana and Julius de Lanerolle, Colombo, Sir Paul E. Pieris Felicitation Volume Committee, [Colombo Apothecaries Co. Ltd., printers], 1956, viii, 174p., coloured frontispiece (portrait), 1pl.
- University of Ceylon. History of Ceylon. Vol. 1. from the earliest times to 1505. Part 1: up to the end of the Anuradhapura period. edited by S. Paranavitana. Colombo, Ceylon University Press Board, 1959, xxxiii, 409p.,xxxi pl., 6 maps.
- University of Ceylon. History of Ceylon. Vol. 1. from the earliest times to 1505. Part 2: from the Cola conquest in 1017 to the arrival of the Portuguese in 1505. edited by S. Paranavitana. Colombo, Ceylon University Press Board, 1960, xvi, pp. 411-910, xxxii-l pls., 4 maps.1 diagr., 8 tables, bibl., index
- A Concise History of Ceylon: from the earliest times to the arrival of the Portuguese in 1505. edited by C.W. Nicholas and S. Paranavitana, Colombo, Ceylon University Press, 1961. xiv, 368 p., 20 pls., 9 maps.
- Janakihara of Kumaradasa. edited by S. Paranavitana and C. E. Godakumbura, Colombo, Sri Lanka Sahithya Mandalaya, (Ceylon Academy of Letters), 1967, lxxii, 401 p.
Monographs by Prof. Senerat Paranavitana
- The excavations in the citadel of Anuradhapura.Colombo, Ceylon Govt. Press, 1936. vi, 38p., 25 pls., 5 plans. (Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon, Vol.3)
- The Stupa in Ceylon. Colombo, Ceylon Govt. Press, 1946, [8], 105 p., 22 pls., 13 text illus. (Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey department Vol. 5)
- Guide to Polonnaruva. [Colombo, Dept, of Archealogy], 1948, [2], 9 p, 2 pl .2nd edition in 1950, 24p., 4pl., 9 illus.
- The Shrine of Upulvan at Devundara. Colombo, Archaeological Department of Ceylon (Oxford University Press, printers), 1953. iv, [4], 89p., 34pls. (Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon. Vol.6)
- Art and Architecture of Ceylon: Polonnaruva period. Colombo, Arts Council of Ceylon, 1954, 84p. col. front., 73 illus. (reprinted in Ceylon Historical Journal , 4(1-4) July 1954 Apr 1955, 69-90, 32 pl. (40 illus.)
- Sigiri graffiti, being Sinhalese verses of the eighth, ninth and tenth centuries. London, published for the Govt. of Ceylon by Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford Univ. Press, 1956, in 2 volumes.
- The God of Adam’s Peak. Ascona (Switzerland), Artibus Asiae Publishers, 1958. 78p., col. Front.,16 pl., text illus. (Artibus Asiae Supplementum XVIII)
- Ceylon and Malaysia. Colombo, Lake House Investments Ltd, 1966. X, [4], 234p., 6 pl. (fold)
- Sinhalayo. Colombo, Lake House Investments Ltd, [1967, i.e. 1968] 45 p., 106 text illus.
- Inscriptions of Ceylon, Vol. 1: containing cave inscriptions in the early Brahmi script. Colombo, Dept. of Archaeology, 1970, xi, cxxix, 136 p, 130pl., (of inscriptions) 1 pl., fold map, fold chart, (Archaeological Survey of Ceylon)
- Art of the Ancient Sinhalese. Colombo, Lake House Investments Ltd, [1971], [4], 141p., 3 Col pl., 112 illus.
- The Greek and the Mauryas. Colombo, Lake House Investments Ltd, [1971] vii, 188p., 7 pl.
- Sinhalayo. 2nd revised edition, Colombo, Lake House Investments Ltd, 1970 [i.e. 1971], 61 p., 128 text illus.
- Glimpses of Ceylon’s past. Colombo, Lake House Investments Ltd, [1972], 199p., 16pl., (end paper map of plan of Sigiriya)
- Story of Sigiri. Colombo, Lake House Investment Ltd, [1972], ix, 153, 128p, front (Port)Â 4 pl. end paper map.
- Inscriptions of Ceylon, Vol. 2: Part I. Late Brahmi Inscriptions.Colombo, Dept. of Archaeology, 1983, 123p., 42pl. (posthumous)
- Inscriptions of Ceylon, Vol. 2: Part II. Late Brahmi Inscriptions. edited by Malani Dias, Colombo, Dept. of Archaeology, 2001, viii, 125-361 pp., LVI pl. (posthumous)
Chapters and columns authored by Prof. Senarat Paranavitana
- Buddhist Festivals in Ceylon. Buddhistic Studies, edited by B.C. Law, Calcutta, Thacker, Spink, 1931, Chapter 17, pp. 529-546.
- TempleRegulations, about A.D. 1300 (Translation and notes). Temple of the tooth in Kandy,  by A.M. Hocart, London, 1931, pp. 34-37. (Memoir of the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon, Vol. 5)
- [Description and Identification of some bas- reliefs at Nagarjunakonda]. The Buddhist antiquities at Nagarjunakonda, Madras Presidency, by A.H. Longhurst, Delhi, 1938, pp. 34-62. (Memoir of the Archaeological Survey of India, no.54, pt.II)
- Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in Ceylon. B.C. Law Volume, Â Part II, edited by D.R. Bhandarkar, Poona, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1946, pp. 15-18.
- History of Ceylon (from Vasabha to Moggallana I). The Vakataka – Gupta Age (circa 200-550 AD), edited by R.C. Majumdar and A.S. Altekar, Banaras, 1946. Chapter 13, pp.231-243. (New History of the Indian People, Vol. 6)
- The evolution of the Sinhalese Language. Sri Sumangala Sabdakosaya: a Sinhalese – Sinhalese dictionary, by W. Sorata Thera. Part 2, Colombo, 1956, pp. 1181-1199.
- Architecture (Ceylon). Encyclopeadia of Buddhism, edited by G.P. Malalasekera, volume of specimen articles, Colombo, Colombo Bauddha Mandalaya and Dept. of Cultural Affairs, 1957, pp. 8-22, 10 illus.
- Ceylon. Enciclopedia Universale dell’ Arte, Roma, Instituto per la collaborazione culturale, 1960. Vol.3, Columns 415-420, map. also in Encyclopedia of World Art, (English language edition) New York, McGraw – Hill, 1960. Vol.3, Columns 325-330, map.
- Ceylon, correnti a tradizioni, Encyclopeadia Universale dell’ Arte, Roma, Instituto per la collaborazione culturale, 1960, Vol. 3, Columns 420-428, illus. also in Encyclopedia of World Art, (English language edition) New York, McGraw – Hill, 1960, entitled ‘Ceylonese Art’ Columns, 330-339. illus.
- The Mahavihara and other ancient seats of learning. Education in Ceylon. (from the 6th century BC to the present day). A Centenary Volume, Colombo, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, [1969], part 1, chapter 6, pp. 52-59, 1 pl. map.
- The learning of Pali and Sanskrit and its influence on Sinhala literary trends of the period. Education in Ceylon. (from the 6th century BC to the present day). A Centenary Volume. Colombo, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, [1969], part 1, chapter 16, pp. 163-73.
- Traditions about Kalidasa that were prevalent in Srivijaya. Anjali : papers on Indology and Buddhism,  A Felicitation volume presented to Oliver Hector de Alwis Wijesekera on his sixtieth birthday, edited by Jayadeva Tilakasiri, Peradeniya, The Felicitation Volume Editorial Committee, [1970], chapter 17, pp.105-111
- The withdrawal of the Sinhalese from the ancient capitals. The collapse of the Rajarata civilization in Ceylon and the drift to the south-west, edited by K. Indrapala, Peradeniya, Ceylon Studies Seminar, 1971, chapter 4, pp. 49-59.
- Introduction. Register of ancient monuments, [1972], pp. xi-xii, Colombo, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Ceylon, 1972, xx, 814p. (Mimeographed text bound with printed title cover)
- References to Greek and Roman celebrities in ancient historical writings of Ceylon,  Palma, ed. By L.W. de Silva. Colombo, The Classical Association of Ceylon, 1972 [i.e. 1973] pp.145-146. (posthumous)
Articles published in serial publications
- The Cholas and Ceylon. Ceylon Antiquary and Literary Register, (Colombo) Vol. 10, no.2, Oct. 1924, pp. 114-121.
- Gaja Bahu I and Mahallaka Naga : their relationship Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 30, no. 80, 1927, pp. 452-454.
- Epigraphical summaries. Ceylon Journal of Science (section G), Vol. 1, no. 4, Feb. 1928, pp. 165-173; Vol. 2, no. 1, Dec 1928, pp. 17-29; Vol. 2, no. 2, Aug. 1930, pp. 99-128; Vol. 2, no. 3, Oct 1933, pp. 175-228
- Pre- Buddhist religious beliefs in Ceylon. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 31, no. 82, 1929, pp. 302-328.
- Three Chola invasions of Ceylon not recorded in the Mahavamsa. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 31, no. 82, 1929, pp. 384-387.
- Dolmen at Padiyagampola, near Rambukkana. Ceylon Journal of Science (section G), Vol. 2, no. 2, Aug. 1930, pp.96-97, 2 pl.
- Pre – historic site known as Kurangupadai- eduttu- vembu in Batticaloa distric. Ceylon Journal of Science (section G), Vol. 2, no. 2, Aug. 1930, pp. 94-95, 1 pl.
- The capital of Ceylon during the ninth and tenth centuries. Ceylon Journal of Science (section G), Vol. 2 no. 2, Aug. 1930, pp.141-147.
- The Excavations near the Citadel at Anuradhapura . Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 31, no. 83, 1930, pp. 471-485.
- Village communities of Ceylon. Ceylon Literary Register, (Colombo), Vol. 1, no. 2, Feb. 1931, pp. 49-53.
- Goddess Manimekala. Ceylon Literary Register, (Colombo), Vol. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1931, pp. 37-38.
- Radaraksa or Ramaraksa? . Ceylon Literary Register, (Colombo), Vol. 2, no. 1, Jan. 1932, p. 46
- Religious intercourse between Ceylon and Siam in the 13th – 15th Centuries. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 32, no.85, 1932, pp. 190-213.
- Archaeological summary 1932. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 31, no. 83, 1930, pp. 141-144.
- Archaeological summary. Ceylon Journal of Science (section G), Vol. 2, no. 3, Oct. 1933, pp. 149-173, 16 pl.
- The statue at the Potgul Vehera, Polonnaruva. Ceylon Journal of Science (section G), Vol. 2 no. 3, Oct, 1933, pp.229-234.
- Antiquarian remains in Ceylon. The Surveyour (Ceylon), Vol. 2, no. 2, Nov.1933, pp. 20-21.
- Archaeological summary 1933. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 32, no. 86, 1933, pp. 251-254.
- Dimbulagala frescoes. Buddhist, (Colombo), Vol. 4, no. 5, Sep. 1933, p. 70.
- Excavation and Conservation at Polonnaruva, Â Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology for the year 1931, (Leiden), Vol. 8, 1933, pp.19-22, 2 pl., 1 plan.
- Matrilineal decent in the Sinhalese royal family. Ceylon Journal of Science (section G), Vol. 2, no. 3, Oct. 1933, pp. 235-240.
- The statue at the Potgul Vehera, Polonnaruva. Ceylon Journal of Science (section G), Vol. 2, no. 3, Oct. 1933, pp. 229-234.
- Archaeological summary 1934. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 33, no. 87, 1934, pp. 4-7.
- Recent epigraphical discoveries in Ceylon, Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology for the year 1932, (Leiden), Vol. 7, 1934, pp.33-35.
- Medicine and hygiene as practiced in ancient Ceylon. Transaction of the Society of Medical Officers of Health of Ceylon, Vol. 3, no. 1, July 1934, pp. 75-85. (Reprinted in Ceylon Medical Students Magazine, Vol. 3, no. 1, 1952, pp.102-144; reprinted in Ceylon Historical Journal, Vol. 3, no. 2, Oct. 1953, pp.123-135)
- The history of Ceylon from the early beginnings to the end of the reign of Mahasena. Buddhist, (Colombo), Vol. 6, no. 5, Sept. 1935, pp. 82-84.
- Conservation of the royal bath at Polonnaruva, Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology for the year 1933, (Leiden), Vol. 8, 1935, pp.25-27, pl.
- The Kalinga dynasty of Ceylon. Journal of the Greater India Society, (Calcutta), Vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 1936, pp.57-64
- Two royal titles of the early Sinhalese and the origin of kingship in ancient Ceylon. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Great Britain, July 1936, pp. 443-462.
- Brahmi inscriptions recently discovered in Ceylon. Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology for the year 1934, (Leiden), Vol. 9, 1936, pp. 18-19.
- Excavation of the Kantaka Chetiya at Mihintale. Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology for the year 1934, (Leiden), Vol. 9, 1936, pp.19-21, pl.
- Treatment of animals in ancient Ceylon. The Animals Magazine, [London], Vol. 16, no. 5, May 1937, pp. 108-109, illus.
- Epigraphical discoveries in Ceylon during the year 1935. Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology for the year 1935, (Leiden), Vol. 10, 1937, pp. 37-38.
- Recent archaeological work in Ceylon. Indian Art and Letters, (London), Vol. 11, no. 1, 1937, pp. 24-34, 4 pl. reprinted Mahabodhi, Vol. 45, no. 7, July 1937, pp. 303-317.
- The age of colossal dagabas. Buddhist, (Colombo), Vol. 7, no. 11, March 1937, pp. 473-476.
- Examples of Andhra art recently found in Ceylon. Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology for the year 1936, (Leiden), Vol. 11, 1938, pp. 15-18.
- Anuradhapura, the city. Buddhist, (Colombo), Vol. 1, May 1938, pp. 10-12.
- The archaeological interest of Ceylon. Ceylon Tourist and Trade Journal, (Colombo), Vol. 3, no. 1, Apr. 1938, pp. 52-55, 2 illus.
- The graffiti of Sigiriya. Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology, for the year 1937, Leiden, Vol. 12, 1939, pp. 34-37.
- The history of inscriptions in Ceylon. Buddhist, (Colombo), Vol. 9, no. 6, Oct. 1938, pp. 96-99.
- Sigiriya graffiti: earliest extant specimens of Sinhalese verse. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 34, no. 92, 1939, pp.309-346.
- Polonnaruva. Mahabodhi, (Calcutta), Vol. 47, 1939, pp. 523-534.
- Tamil householder’s terrace, Anuradhapura. Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology for the year 1938, (Leiden), Vol. 13, 1940, pp.13-14, reprinted in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 35, no. 93, 1940, pp.54-56.
- Archaeological summary 1940. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 35, no.94, 1941, Certains offrent des jeux gratuits aux joueurs. pp. 65-68.
- Art of ancient Ceylon. New Review, (Culcutta), Vol. 14, 1941, pp. 185-95.
- Archaeological summary 1941. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 35, no. 96, 1943, pp. 187-188.
- A Nagari legend on some mediaeval Sinhalese coins. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 35, no. 96, 1943, pp. 162-163.
- Archaeological summary 1943. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 36, no. 97, 1944, pp. 236-237.
- Magul Uyana (Royal Park) of ancient Anuradhapura. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 36, no. 97, 1944, pp. 193-209, 3 pl.
- Nagapatam and Theravada Buddhism in South India. Journal of the Greater India Society, (Calcutta), Vol. 11, no. 1, January 1944, pp. 17-25.
- Gedige. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 36, no. 99, 1945, pp. 126-129.
- The Padakada Sannasa, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 36, no. 99, 1945, pp. 130-133
- Archaeological summary 1944. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 36, no. 98, 1945, pp. 93-94.
- Brahmi Inscriptions in Sinhalese verse. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 36, no. 98, 1945, pp. 58-66
- Recent archaeological finds at Ruvanvali Dagaba. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 37, no. 101, 1946, pp. 3-7, 3pl.
- Archaeological summary 1945. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 37, no. 101, 1946, pp. 43-44.
- Perhaps the greatest archaeological find in Ceylon: a unique ivory statuette and exquisite gold reliquaries. Illustrated London News, Vol. 210, no. 5621, Jan.11, 1947, pp. 52-53, illus.
- An ancient sanctuary newly revealed: discoveries and reconstructions in the Ceylon Jungle. Illustrated London News, Vol. 212, no. 5696, June 19, 1948, pp. 698-700, 12 illus.
- Upulvan Shrine at Devinuvara. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 38, no. 106, 1948, pp. 37-41, 2 pl.
- Archaeological summary 1948. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 38, no. 107, Â 1949, pp. 140-142.
- Archaeological summary 1949. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol. 1., (Centenary volume, 1845-1945), 1950, pp. 195-197
- Sigiri the abode of a God-king. . Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol. 1., (Centenary volume, 1845-1945), 1950, pp. 129-183
- The Bodhi tree. Buddhist, (Colombo), N.S., Vol. 21, no. 7, November 1950, p.97 cotd. 107.
- Buddhist Mission to Burma. Buddhist, (Colombo), N.S., Vol. 21, no. 5, 1950, pp. 80-81.
- Dakkhina Thupa, Anuradhapura Buddhist, (Colombo), N.S., Vol. 21, no. 1, May 1950, pp. 4-9, (reprinted from Archaeological Survey of Ceylon – Annual Report 1948, 8-16)
- Sinhalese Art and Culture. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, (London), Vol. 98, no. 4822, 2 June 1950, pp. 588-605, reprinted Souvenir catalogue of the International Exhibition of Paintings , Colombo Plan Exhibition, 1952, pp. 9-21, 6 illus.
- Recent archaeological finds at Ruvanvali Dagaba (Mahatupa) . Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology for the year 1940-1947, (Leiden), Vol. 15, [1950], xlii-xlv, 1 pl.
- The word navakarmi in the Kanishka casket inscription, Indian Culture, (Calcutta), Vol. 15, 1950, pp. 229-233.
- The dagaba newly discovered at Mihintale. Buddhist, (Colombo), N.S., Vol. 22, no. 2, June 1951, pp. 18-20
- Archaeological summary 1950. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol. 2, pt.1, 1952, pp. 55-60.
- Les Fetes bouddhiques a Ceylan, trad, de l’anglais par S. Karpeles. France Asie: revue Mensuelle de culture et de synthese, (Saigon), Vol. 8, no.71, April 1952, pp. 49-54; Vol. 8, no.72, May 1952, pp. 124-129 (reprint of the article Buddhist Festivals in Ceylon in Buddhistic Studies )
- Les vestiges des cites antiques. La Revue Francaise de l’elite Europeenne, (Paris), Vol. 4, no. 38, 1952, pp. 55-59, 9 illus
- Unique bronzes found at Mahiyangana. Ceylon Today, (Colombo) Vol. 1, no. 1, Sept. 1952, pp. 14-17, 3 illus.
- Statue at Potgul Vehera, Polonnaruva. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol. 2, pt. 2, 1952, pp. 123-125
- The statue near Potgul Vehera at Polonnaruva, Ceylon. Artibus Asiae, (Ascona, Switzerland), Vol. 15, no. 3, 1952, pp. 209-217, 2 pl. 2 text illus.
- Archaeological summary 1951. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society(Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol. 3, pt.1, June 1953, pp. 85-90.
- The Chakravala. Ceylon Today; 2 (2), Feb 1953, pp. 7-10, 3 illus.
- The sculpture of man and horse near Tissavava at Anuradhapura Ceylon. Artibus Asiae, (Ascona, Switzerland), Vol. 16, no. 3, 1953, pp.167-190, 5 illus.
- The significance of Sinhalese moonstones. Artibus Asiae, (Ascona, Switzerland), Vol. 17, nos. 3 & 4, 1954, pp. 197-231, illus.
- A royal paradise of ancient Ceylon…. a Xanadu of 1500 years ago, revealed beside the lion rock of Sigiri. illustrated London News, Vol. 224, no. 5998, Apr. 3, 1954, pp. 530-32, 7 illus.
- Archaeological summary 1952. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol. 4, pt.1, May 1955, pp. 82-88.
- Archaeological summary 1953. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol. 4, pt.1, May 1955, pp. 89-92.
- The Bodhi Ghara of Nitolava. Buddhist, (Colombo) N.S. Vol. 26, no. 1, May 1955, pp. 29-30.
- Ceylon Bo – Shrine. Ceylon Today, (Colombo), Vol. 4, nos. 5 & 6, May-June, 1955, pp. 20-24, 5 illus.
- The rock cut image of Avukana. Ceylon Today, (Colombo), Vol. 4, no. 9, Sept. 1955, pp. 20-21, illus.
- Samkha and Padma. Artibus Asiae, (Ascona, Switzerland), Vol. 18, no. 2, 1955, pp. 121-27, 2 illus.
- Archaeological investigations near Pomparippu. Ceylon Today (Colombo), Vol.5, no. 11, November 1956, pp. 13-15, 8 illus.
- The Panakaduva Copper plate of Vijayabahu I. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Great Britain and Ireland, 1957, pp.213-214
- A bas- relief of at “Isurumuniâ€, Anuradhapura. Artibus Asiae, (Ascona, Switzerland), Vol. 19, nos. 3 & 4, 1957, pp. 335-341, 2 pl.
- Religious ties between Ceylon and Burma. Buddhist, (Colombo), N.S., Vol. 28, no.4, August 1957, pp.137-139.
- Was there a Gonisa-vihara in ancient Ceylon? University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 15, nos. 3 & 4, July-Oct. 1957, pp.127-133
- Shrine of art crowning the Lion’s rock. Unesco Courier, (Paris), Vol. 10, no. 12, Dec. 1957, pp. 24-29, Col. pl. 8 illus.
- Archaeological discoveries in Ceylon, 1948-1953. Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology, for the year 1948-1953, Â (Leiden), Vol. 16, 1958, pp. lv-lviii, 1 pl.
- Sanskrit in Ceylon epigraphy. Bharati: Annual of the Indological Society, University of Ceylon, Peradeniya, 1957-58, pp. 3-7
- Mahinda day. University Buddhist Annual: the magazine of the Ceylon University Buddhist Brotherhood, Vol.8, 1957-1958, pp. 8-10
- Padalanchana at Anuradhapura. University of Ceylon Review, (Peredeniya), Vol. 16, nos. 1 & 2, Jan-Apr. 1958, pp. 56-61.
- Hindagala Rock Inscription, University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 16, nos. 1 & 2, Jan-Apr, 1958, pp. 1-5, pl.
- The ancient names and builders of the Padaviya and Naccaduva tanks. University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 16, nos. 3 & 4, July – Oct 1958, pp.70-77
- Perimayankulam Rock inscription Vasaba. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol.5, pt. 2, 1958, pp.129-137, pl.
- Some regulations concerning village irrigation works in ancient Ceylon. Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Sciences, (Peradeniya), Vol. 1, no. 1, January 1958, pp.1-7.
- Mahayanism in Ceylon. Presense du Bouddhisme. France Asie, (Saigon), Vol. 15, nos.153-157, February – June, 1959, pp. 515-527, illus.
- A Sinhalese hero-stone. Artibus Asiae, (Ascona, Switzerland), Vol.22, nos. 1-2, 1959, pp. 153-158, 1 pl.
- Lankatilake Inscription, University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 18, nos. 1 & 2, Jan-Apr, 1960, pp.1-45, 2 pl.
- The University History of Ceylon. Ceylon Today, (Colombo), Vol. 9, no. 9, Sept. 1960, pp. 1-5, 9.
- New light on the Buddhist era in Ceylon and early Sinhalese Chronology. University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 18, nos. 3 & 4, July – Oct. 1960, pp. 129 – 156, 1 pl.
- Ceylon and Malaysia in mediaeval times. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol.7, pt. 1, 1960, pp.1-42.
- The Emperor of Ceylon at the time of arrival of the Portuguese in 1505. University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 19, no. 1, April 1961, pp. 10-29.
- The Gramani (Gamaini) in Ancient India. Ceylon Historical Journal, (Dehiwala), Vol. 10, nos. 1 & 4, July 1960-April 1961, pp. 1-7
- Rock inscriptions at Timbiriweva and Andaragollava in the Vilpattu Sanctuary. University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 19, no. 2, Oct 1961, pp.95-104, 2 pl.
- The Aryan kingdom in North Ceylon. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol. 7, no. 2, 1961, pp. 174-224
- Significance of the painting of Sigiri. Artibus Asiae, (Ascona, Switzerland), Vol. 24, nos. 3 & 4, 1961, Felicitation volume presented to Professor George Coedes on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday, Special Number edited by A.B. Griswold and Jean Boisselier, pp. 382-87.
- Notes on the Tamil inscription from Paduvasnuwara, University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 20, no. 1, Apr 1962, pp.16-18.
- An inscription on circa 200 BC at Rajagala commemorating Saint- Mahinda. University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 20, no. 2, Oct 1962, pp.159-162.
- Some Sinhalese inscriptions of circa sixth century. University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 20, no. 1, 1962, pp. 1-11, 2pl.
- Mahanama, the author of Mahavamsa. University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 20, no. 2, Oct. 1962: pp. 269-286.
- Rummindei pillar inscription. Journal of the American Oriental Society, (Washington), Vol. 82, no.2, April- June 1962, pp. 163-167.
- A scholar of rare attainments. [The Ven. Weliwitiye Sorata Nayaka Thera], Ceylon Today, (Colombo), Vol. 12, no.8, August 1963, pp. 22-23.
- Ceylon and Malaysia: a rejoinder to Nilakanta Sastri. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol. 8, pt. 2, 1963, pp. 330-377.
- A Sanskrit Inscription from Padaviya. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol. 8, pt. 2, 1963, pp.262-264
- Princess Ulakudaya’s Wedding. University of Ceylon Review, (Peradeniya), Vol. 21, no. 2, Oct. 1963, pp. 103-138, 3 pl., fold chart
- Linguistic studies in ancient Ceylon and Sri Vijaya. Transactions of the University of Ceylon Linguistic Society, (Peradeniya), 1964, pp. 79-100.
- Two cults of Buddhist mariners. Navy Wesak Thoughts, edited by A.G. Devendra, A Ceylon Navy Buddhist Association publication, 1964, 3 pp.
- The interpretation of the old Sinhalese word Vaharala. Journal of the American Oriental Society, (Washington), Vol. 87, no. 2, Apr-June 1967, pp. 166-169.
- Newly discovered historical documents relating to Ceylon, India and South East Asia. Buddhist Yearly, 1967, Jahrbuch fur Buddhistische Forschungen, [Buddhist Centre, Halle], pp. 26-58.
- Two decades of Archaeological work in Ceylon. Ceylon Today, (Colombo) Vol. 17, nos. 2 & 4, Feb- March, April, 1968, pp. 64-75,11 illus.
- Two Buddhist historians. Maha Bodhi, (Calcutta), Vol. 76, nos. 5-6, May- June, 1968, pp. 96-99
- A Greek prince who was a Buddhist Missionary. Maha Bodhi, (Calcutta), Vol. 77, nos. 4-5, April-May, 1969, pp. 122-124
- Medirigiriya: the rediscovery of an architectural gem. Times of Ceylon Annual, 1969,( 7 p. ) illus. some colour.
- Dambulla in ancient times, Vesak Number , [Colombo, Dept. of Cultural Affairs], [no 2], 1969. pp. 65-69
- Some dues from lands in ancient Ceylon, Ceylon Historical Journal, (Dehiwala), Vol. 19, nos. 1-4, 1969-70, pp. 62-64.
- Buddhist art in Ceylon. Daham Suwanda: Vesak Number, Colombo, Department of Cultural Affairs, 1970, pp. 5-11.
- The designer of Barabudur. Maha Bodhi, (Calcutta), Vol. 78, nos. 5 & 6, May-June 1970, pp. 165-168.
- Stepping stones in the migration of the Indus script to Easter Island. Ceylon Today, (Colombo), Vol. 19, nos. 7 & 8, July- Aug.1970, pp. 27-32.
- Tow fragmentary inscriptions from Kalani. Puravedi Bulletin of the Dept. of Archaeology;Â Vidyodaya University of Ceylon. No 1, March 1971, pp. 4-20
- The Dhvanikarikas in fifteenth century Ceylon. Journal of the American Oriental Society, (Washington) Vol. 94, Jan. 1974, pp. 131-133
 Articles published in other publications
lankave Rajput Janaya. Bharatiya Anusheelan Grantha: MM Gaurishankar Ojha Commemoration Volume, Allahabad, 1934, pp. 64-69.
The subject of Sigiri paintings. India antique: a volume of oriental studies, presented by his friends and pupils to Jean Philippe Vogel on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his doctorate;  Leyden, Kern Institute, [EJ Brill printer] 1947, pp. 264-269.
The progress of archaeological work in Ceylon. United National Party Souvenir of the visit of Elizabeth II, Queen of Ceylon, Apr. 1954; comp. by Titus W. Perera. Colombo, UNP Journals, 1954. pp. 109-115, 3 illus.
Some aspects of the divinity of the King in ancient India and Ceylon. Proceedings and Transactions of the All- India Oriental Conference, 16th Session, University of Lucknow, October 1951, Vol. 2 (selected papers), Lucknow, 1955, Section VIII, no.28, pp. 217-232.
Glimpses of the political and social conditions of mediaeval Ceylon. Sir Paul E. Pieris Felicitation Volume, 1956, pp. 69-74.
Ceylon and Sri Vijaya. Essays offered to G.H. Luce…. In honour of his 75th birthday; ed. By Ba Shin and others, Ascona, Artibus Asiae, 1967. Vol.1, pp. 205-212.
Roruka: was it Mohenjodara ?. Studies in Asian History, Proceedings of the Asian History Congress, 1961, edited by K.S. Lal, New Delhi, Asia Publishing House, 1969, pp. 111-116.
Ploughing  ritual or royal consecration in ancient Ceylon. R.C. Majumdar Felicitation volume;  ed. by HB Sarkar, Calcutta, K.L. Mukhopadhyay, 1970, 9p.
Venerable Bambarende Siri Sivali: the historian of Buddhist Culture, Siri Sivali Felicitation Volume; Kelaniya, Empire Press, 1972, pp.229-230
The authorship and date of the commentary to the Dhammapada. Souvenir of the 10th General Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, Colombo, May 23rd -27th, 1972, [Colombo, 1972], pp.19-21
Obituary Notices
Arthur Maurice Hocart [obituary notice]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 34, no. 91, 1938, pp. 264-268.
Humphrey William Codrington [obituary notice]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), Vol. 36, no.98, 1945, pp. 55-57.
Cyril Wace Nicholas. [obituary notice]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), N.S., Vol. 7, pt. 2, 1961, pp.258-260
Report on a Pali document in Cambodian characters found in the Malvatte Vihare Kandy. Historical Manuscript Commission; 2 nd Report, (Sessional Paper 21- 1935, ) Appendix 9, pp. 58-61
Ceylon. Dept. of Archaeology, Archaeological Survey of Ceylon. Annual Report of the Archaeological Commissioner, Colombo, Ceylon Government Press.
As acting Archaeological Commissioner;
Annual report, 1931-32, 11p., 8 pl.
Annual report, 1933, 20p., 7 pl.
Annual report, 1934, 23p., 15 pl.
As Archaeological Commissioner (1940 – 1955)
Annual report, 1940-45, 41p., 14 pl.
Annual report, 1946, 18p., 9 pl.
Annual report, 1947, 17p., 8 pl.
Annual report, 1948, 25p., 15 pl.
Annual report, 1950, 34p., 7 pl.
Annual report, 1951, 65p., 15 pl.
Annual report, 1952, 43p., 13 pl.
Annual report, 1953, 28p., 9 pl.
Annual report, 1954, 39p., 15 pl.
Annual report, 1955, 36p., 7 pl.
Publication on Senerath Paranavitana, Commeration Volumes, Felicitation Volumes, Bibliographies
Senerat Paranavitana Commemoration Volume, ed. By Leelananda Prematilleke, Karthigesu Indrapala and J.E. Van Lohuizen-de Leeuw. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1978, xi, 300p., front. (port.) 15 pl., 58 text illus. (Studies on South Asian Culture, Vol. VII)
Paranavitana Felicitation volume on art and architecture and oriental studies, presented to Prof. Senarat Paranavitana, Archealogist, Epigraphist, Historian as a tribute of his colleagues, friends, well wishers to a life-time spent in interpreting the culture of the corner of Asia, Colombo. MD Gunasena, 1965. [8] 353 p., front (port. )55 Pl.
Paranavitana, Senarath. The Library of the late Prof. Senarat Paranavitana. Colombo, Public Trustee Office, [1973]. 82 p. (Mimeographed text) A listing of random of the 1217 items in the famous scholar’s library, left to the Public Trustee for disposal on his death in October 1972. The library was sold in 1974 to the Jaffna Archaeological Society for Rs. 35,000/- and is now housed in the Jaffna Campus Library at Thirunelvely.
(This bibliography was prepared by Sandamali Wijenayake(Assistant Librarian – Sri Lanka Parliament) using ‘A Bibliography of Ceylon’ by H.A.I. Goonetileke, Vol. 1-5, Zug Switzerland, Inter Documentation Company AG, 1970- (Bibliotheca Asiatica series volumes) and the Bibliography appeared in the Senaratha Paranavitana Commemoration volume edited by S. Paranavitana, Leelananda Prematilleka and Johanna Engelberta van Lohuizen- de Leeuw, Brill, 1978)
So now how could I get copies of Paranavitana’s papers .For example no 101:Mahayanism in Ceylon. Presense du Bouddhisme. France Asie, (Saigon), Vol. 15, nos.153-157, February – June, 1959, pp. 515-527, illus.
It is very hard to get Paranavitana’s papers.
I am also interested in all the Mahayana and Vajrayana stuff in Sri Lanka.For example : 4.Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in Ceylon. B.C. Law Volume, Part II, edited by D.R. Bhandarkar, Poona, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1946, pp. 15-18.
2.The Stupa in Ceylon. Colombo, Ceylon Govt. Press, 1946, [8], 105 p., 22 pls., 13 text illus. (Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey department Vol. 5).
Now how do I get these papers , please.
Tay Beng Teck
7:54am 15-5-2015
Please give us few days. We will try our best to find these articles.
Some contributions or articles by Paranavitana are available on consultation at the Suriyakantha Library (Kandy), including Présence du Bouddhisme and The Stupa in Ceylon.
Best regards.
Is it not possible to put these articles in pdf for download on your website?
Senarat Paranavitana’s papers are very hard to get.
Tay BT
28-11-2016 22:19:39