11th Annual RASSL Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences
March 22-24, 2018
Call for Papers
“Heritage, Culture and Sri Lankan Society”
Research papers should be relevant to the above main theme, and under the following sub-themes:
- Heritage, Culture and Archaeology
- Language, Education and Communication
- Nutrition, Health and Medical Practices
- Science, Technology and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
- Aesthetics and Social Values
- Philosophy and Psychology
Papers may be presented in Sinhala or English
Extended Abstracts of papers should be in twelve point, Times New Roman/FM Abhaya, A4 page format, 30 mm left margin and 25 mm other margins, one and half line spacing and not exceeding 1000 words and include Title, Author/s, Institutional Affiliation/s if any, Postal Address, Tel., email address and five keywords. Sinhala abstracts should also include title and keywords in English. Extended Abstracts should be sent only by email to rasslconference11@gmail.com They should be in the prescribed format, which is downloadable from RASSL website. Extended Abstracts and Full papers should be submitted as Soft Copies only in MS Word Format.
- Deadline for Submission of Extended Abstracts: Friday, January 12, 2018
- Announcement of Acceptance: Friday, February 16, 2018
- Submission of Full Papers: Friday, March 09, 2018
(Full papers will be considered for publication in the RASSL International Journal published through the past 172 years.)
- Registration fees for members: LKR 1450/-
- Registration fees for non-members: LKR 2,250/-
Conference Coordinator: Eng. Chandana Jayawardana
(Tel: 011-2699249)
96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07
Sri Lanka