Dates Extended for Call for Research Abstracts – 6th Undergraduate Research Symposium on Archaeology (URSARU 2021), Rajarata University of Sri Lanka


Undergraduate Research Symposium

General Guidelines


  • Sinhala – Size-14 , Font- FMAbhaya, Bold
  • English – Size- 13, Font – Times New Roman, Bold

Author’s Name

  • Indicate the last name at the beginning and the initials after. There should be no spaces between initials. The name must be entered in Times New Roman (English) or FMAbhaya (Sinhala). The font size should be 12.
  • If there are several authors, the position, the place of work should be indicated in the order of the names and the size should be 11 (FMAbhaya/Times New Roman). The email should appear at the end of it.
  • For multi-author abstracts, the maximum number of authors should be three.

General points

  • Content should be in font size 12 and line space 1.15
  • It is mandatory to limit the overall content of the research paper within the range of 300-350 words to explain the introduction, objective, methodology, discussion and results, conclusions clearly.
  • Paper size should be B5.
  • Keep the border line 1 inch wide.
  • Should not contain plans, photographs, maps, tables, bibliographies, etc.
  • A researcher can submit only one research paper and if he / she submits a multi-author research paper in addition to that research paper, he / she will have to register separately for each of those research papers.
  • If a multi-author research paper is submitted, all its authors must be registered. If not, the relevant research paper will not be included in the publication.


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